"When I was young it was more important, pain more painful, laughter much louder, yeh" Eric Burdon and the Animals
Eric Burdon was wrong.
Lancaster County Court and the rubbish served on me in act of aggravated trespass in January 04 by Sales and another of LCC legal dept. told me to go and see the court manager on February 16th 2004. This time I would take another witness, Ian Porchetta and he travelled from Burnley. Ian had been a victim of court corruption himself but chose to pay up and shut up, his health was at risk otherwise.
By now I had learned about court listings, it was an extremely busy day, 16th Feb. 04 in Lancaster County Court. People were waiting in the corridors, all the waiting areas were full.
There was a long list of hearings and at the bottom of that there were three persons named to see the court manager, I was one of those named.
We had to wait for a while and a relief manager came out; SAINSBURY was on leave.
The relief was a female and her peevish face showed it all, "I'll sort her out" it said.
She waved papers in front of me and told me to sign.
I hadn't changed my mind from December 2003 and wouldn't be changing my mind.
She marched off and we were to follow her through the corridors of people. This relief manager had not introduced herself but I later learned that she was a Mrs GREGSON.
We followed her into what seemed to be an empty court room which was odd given the queues waiting.
I had never been in that part of the building before and I was told to stand in what looked like a witness box.
She stood behind me.
Ian and somebody else followed us and Ian began recording the events as they happened.
Ian and somebody else followed us and Ian began recording the events as they happened.
Another joined us, a large female, "You're refusing to sign..." shouted in attempt to frighten me into submission.
"No, Iam unable to sign............." etc
Who was she?
Was I supposed to think she was a judge?
Was I supposed to think she was a judge?
I wasn't listed for a hearing and had no papers with me.
Gregson stood behind me as if she would prevent any escape attempt. A puff of wind would blow her over. She was no deterrent if I had had escape in mind.
If this was a court and a hearing shouldn't I at least have been sworn if not listed or given notice of a hearing?
The Queen of Hearts was in a hurry, she would have had my head off had she been able but I wasn't about to part with it.
She repeated that I was refusing etc and I repeated that I was unable etc which wasn't the same thing.
She said I would go to prison for contempt of court.
I told her I would have her charged with Gordon Nuttall with contempt of court becasue of the altering of a court transcript and this appalling abuse of a court. (See links above.)
I told her I would have her charged with Gordon Nuttall with contempt of court becasue of the altering of a court transcript and this appalling abuse of a court. (See links above.)
She was rattled, things were not going as she had planned, she couldn't bully me into submission.
"Sort her out" she said to Gregson and disappeared.
Gregson said I would go to prison for 2 years if I didn't sign the form which she gave me.
She told me to take it home and return with it signed the next day.
Ian was in a worse state than I was.
This was something that even Kafka couldn't have made up.
This was something that even Kafka couldn't have made up.
I returned that afternoon because I wanted to make sure I hadn't imagined the morning.
Ian returned to Burnley to write his statement of truth and I finally spoke to Gregson.
She was wishing she was somewhere else, she was wishing I would believe I was going to prison - 2 years she said.
That could be avoided if I signed their form and returned with it signed the next day.
It went in the bin.
On the 18th I sent a recorded delivery letter to Sainsbury, it was signed for as having been received on the 19th. The Queen of Hearts was a visiting solicitor and had been recruited to impersonate a judge in the most astonishing abuse of a court that can ever have taken place.
The conspiracy between Gregson, the unnamed man in court with Ian and who must have known that the large lady shouting the odds was not a judge and that it was not a hearing, and the Queen herself who remained unnamed, was proven.
I heard nothing, Ian sent me his witness statement of truth and wrote to the court himself expressing his dismay at events of the 16th.
My witness for the EAT and the RCJ (see links http://criticalreader2004.blogspot.com/ and http://www.criticalreadercw3.blogspot.com/ also wrote demanding an explanation and answers to questions.
My GP sent GP notes saying they had made me ill with stress again.
All were ignored. Nothing happened until the end of February 2004.
A Gregson look-alike pushed a letter through my letterbox, it was 2 pages. 1 was a cover letter naming the Queen of Hearts as Her Honour Judge Forrester and said that she was ignoring my GP's note saying I might be unfit to work but was not unfit to go to court.
Failure to do so woudl see the attached document activated.
It was a warrant for my arrest and committal to Risley prison.
It was another ludicrously false document from Lancaster County Court and had been issued by Sainsbury.
The date of the document had been scratched out and altered to record the 16th Feb. 04.
There was no known judge as female Forrester listed.
There was a male Forrester who presided regularly in that court.
The document did not comply with any procedures or rules or laws. A few things stood out
1. As an unrepresented litigant I couldn't be committed to prison. I had the automatic High Court right of appeal.
2. Pushing it through my letterbox was not 'serving'.
3. I could only be committed where I could be committed to, I couldn't be comitted to Risley, it had closed to women in 1998.
I did not go to court as it ordered, I waited for them to come and get me. No one came.
They were back at the drawing board.
A month later I received another similar "warrant" from Lancaster County Court.
This was unsigned, there was no court seal again, it wasn't even addressed to me but 'Dear Sir or Madam'.
It was actually a jigsaw of other court documents copied and pasted together.
If I didn't go to court as it demanded this time they would really come and get me.
If I didn't go to court as it demanded this time they would really come and get me.
I was still going to Risley. I wondered what the Governor would say and who would take me.
I ignored it and nobody came.
But I wondered how many times they had tried this with vulnerable people?
And got away with it having people sign anything to save going to prison.
It certainly hadn't been the first time they had pulled this stunt.
FALCONER knew and did nothing but a female Forrester was made a judge on the 24th Feb 04.
Paul Marsden Liberal Democrat was representing me at the time by agreement. He was to raise these false warrants in Parliament and ask questions.
He was told he would be disciplined in Parliament if he spoke for me.
Paul Marsden didn't stand again at the general election, he was suffering ill health.
The 'warrants' Ian's statement and the rest of the related documents have been seen in other courts since that time. the entries will be added and linked, one link is Sheffield Magistrates Court which will be at link http://www.criticalreadercw5.blogspot.com/
Criminal acts under the County Court Act of 1984 sections 133, 135 and 136 at least, more parasites on society, more waste of taxpayers' monies.
Lancashire County Council hold the guiding hand.
Carol Woods Lancaster May 12th 2007.
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